Cosmoenergy is a method based on the use of so-called cosmic “energy-information” fields - “cosmic channels” with healing properties. The processes of recovery are realized with the help of not yet established by modern science, but quite material physical mechanisms of interaction “cosmoenergy - patient”. The most likely hypothesis suggests that such interactions use “something” from the arsenal of already recognized, but not yet sufficiently studied, physical information-enthalpy fields by science, which we call “cosmic channels”.
Cosmoenergy is the use of certain reasonable forces of the Universe for the benefit of man.
It has been scientifically established that the intelligent cosmic forces of the Universe, with your particular mood and agreement, will do a tremendous job inside you to transform your whole human nature. The only thing that is required of you is the complete surrender of yourself to the Highest Intelligent Cosmic Force itself, then work with you will be performed by the most perfect and most intelligent force of the Universe.
You just need not to rejoice too much and not worry about time, because the Highest Reasonable Forces inside you do a tremendous job, transforming your whole human nature into a higher order nature, compressing centuries of evolution to decades and even several years. There is no reason to fear any aggravations. Any slightest event inside and outside of you will be skillfully planned and accomplished by the Infinite Wisdom of the Higher Cosmic Forces so that, by tying together, they eliminate imperfection in you.
E. Bagirov
Science and space energy
Information about "cosmoenergy" (CE) has its roots in ancient times. People of different eras had very different ideas about this "phenomenon". But since time immemorial, it has been known that a specially trained "operator of cosmic energy channels" after familiarization ("initiation") with special information technologies can effectively influence people, for example, in healing sessions. Today, many healers talk about the real possibility of influencing a person through a certain substance, which is conditionally and completely "unscientifically" called "energy-information field Information about strictly scientific evidence of the existence and, especially, about the specific properties of "cosmic energy channels" has always been kept secret by "initiated" people, it is around this objective knowledge that a serious struggle of interests is being waged. Many specialists in the 21st century find it expedient to study CE – healing technologies, with the help of which, as they reasonably hope, fundamentally new treatment results can be achieved.
Nowadays, more and more serious attention is paid to the search for the physical mechanism of action of CE-channels. It has not yet been possible to find out the full picture, only some objective parameters of such phenomena have been identified. In scientific laboratories of academic institutes and clinical hospitals, for example, numerous experimental studies have proved that CE - impact, unlike electromagnetic radiation, is able to pass through material obstacles and practically does not depend on the distance to the operator. Such “strange”, but reproducible and statistically substantiated results point to the physical, but not electromagnetic, mechanism of action of CE-channels, which is still unknown to modern science. However, it must be admitted that the value of such research, which is absolutely obvious to esotericists, is not yet obvious to most scientists of the “traditional scientific orientation”.
In such a situation, it is required to show maximum tolerance in order to build a "bridge across the abyss of misunderstanding" to a mutually acceptable definition of the concept of "cosmoenergy". Such work is impossible without a "new scientific paradigm". At the same time, "the old scientific paradigm should not be discarded, but supplemented, for example, with knowledge about new types of energy and, most importantly, with the principles of spirituality." Religion should not be involved here. It is useful to use the Vedic interpretation of spirituality - "renunciation of the ego."
In the new era, an engineer, starting to design a machine, is simply obliged to apply both technical skills from the “old education” and the principle of spirituality on an equal footing. As a result, the machine he built will no longer contain the ego of an engineer, as before, and it will work in the interests of all people. Perhaps something like this with the help of "unselfish" technologies will create the technical and energy foundations of a new civilization of the third millennium. It is a creative approach using a new scientific paradigm that is acceptable and even sympathetic to a large number of people that has a chance for priority development.
To prove the existence and observation of real events in the world of "subtle energies", modern science must use various, but necessarily strictly scientific methods. The methods of logic and philosophy, mathematics and medicine are successfully applied. But the practice of using the “subtle energies of KE – channels for the treatment of people” has become especially widespread. In particular, the practice of healing with the involvement of the principles and methods of classical Cosmoenergetics today has its own extensive evidence base to confirm the reality of the existence of cosmoenergetic channels.
As a result of strictly empirical research, with the fulfillment of all the requirements of science for accuracy, reproduction and statistics of measurements, it has been proved that the impact of cosmic energy channels on water and aqueous solutions leads to a regulated change in the optical density (structure) of the liquid. Water structured in this way has a number of new physical properties that allow their reliable registration by certified diagnostic devices.
The practical healing effect of cosmic energy channels on human health is evidenced by numerous diagnostic results, for example, from the archives of E. Bagirov's school, reflecting the state of health of patients before and after undergoing cosmoenergy sessions.